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How to Use the EyeLine Golf Speed Trap 2.0 to Fix a Slice

One of the most common swing faults in golf is the dreaded slice—a shot that curves sharply to the right for right-handed golfers (or left for lefties). It can be incredibly frustrating, leading to lost balls and higher scores. Fortunately, the EyeLine Golf Speed Trap 2.0 is an excellent tool designed to help you correct this issue by guiding your swing on the right path. If you’re new to using training aids, this guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the Speed Trap 2.0 specifically to fix your slice. [Click here to purchase the EyeLine Golf Speed Trap 2.0 on Amazon]

What Causes a Slice?

Before diving into how the EyeLine Golf Speed Trap 2.0 can help, it’s important to understand what causes a slice:

  • Open Clubface: At impact, your clubface is too open relative to the swing path, causing the ball to spin from left to right.
  • Out-to-In Swing Path: Many golfers who slice have a swing path that comes from outside the target line, across the ball, cutting it and creating that unwanted spin.
  • Poor Weight Transfer: Shifting weight incorrectly during your swing can lead to both the open clubface and an improper swing path.

The Speed Trap 2.0 helps fix these issues by giving you instant visual and physical feedback, helping you keep the clubface square and promoting an inside-out swing path. Let’s break it down step-by-step.

More general information about a slice and how to fix it can be found in this article.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the EyeLine Golf Speed Trap 2.0 to Fix a Slice

Step 1: Set Up the Speed Trap 2.0 on the Range

First, you’ll want to set up the Speed Trap 2.0 at your practice location, whether it’s on the range or at home:

  • Place the Base: Lay the red base of the Speed Trap 2.0 on the ground, pointing directly at your target. Make sure it’s secure and doesn’t move when you swing.
  • Insert the Rods: Position the four adjustable rods into the holes on the base. For correcting a slice, you’ll want to place the rods as follows:
    • The two front rods should be positioned wide apart, allowing room for the clubhead to pass through without hitting them.
    • The two back rods should be angled slightly inward, creating a narrower gate for your clubhead to pass through during the downswing.

This setup is designed to encourage an inside-out swing path, which is crucial to eliminating a slice.

Step 2: Address the Ball

Once you’ve set up the Speed Trap, step into your normal stance and address the ball. Make sure your body is aligned properly with the target:

  • Feet: Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and parallel to the target line.
  • Grip: Ensure your grip is neutral, with your hands placed properly on the club to avoid an open clubface at impact.
  • Posture: Bend slightly at the hips, keeping your back straight and your knees slightly flexed.

Step 3: Focus on the Swing Path

A slice is caused by swinging out-to-in, so the goal here is to promote an inside-out swing. The Speed Trap’s rods will guide your club, providing feedback if you veer off path:

  • Takeaway: On your backswing, ensure that you are bringing the club back along the inside of the rods, rather than outside the target line.
  • Downswing: As you start the downswing, focus on bringing the club through the narrow gate created by the back rods. This inside-to-out path is key to straightening your ball flight. If your club hits the rods, it’s an indication that your swing is too steep or out-to-in, which is causing the slice.
  • Follow-Through: Once you make contact, continue swinging through the inside gate, following an inside-out arc. This will help you maintain a square clubface at impact.

Step 4: Control Your Clubface

The Speed Trap 2.0 not only helps with swing path but also aids in squaring the clubface at impact:

  • Square Clubface: As you approach the ball, focus on keeping the clubface square to the target. A common cause of slicing is an open clubface, so practice closing it slightly as you make contact.
  • Impact Position: Visualize making contact with the ball with the face slightly closed or square, as this will help reduce the side spin that causes a slice.

If your clubface is too open at impact, you’ll feel the result in your ball flight and can make adjustments on your next swing. The feedback provided by the Speed Trap will keep you aligned to the right path.

Step 5: Practice Weight Transfer

Poor weight transfer is another key contributor to slicing. The EyeLine Golf Speed Trap 2.0 will also help with this by giving you a stable base for your swing:

  • Backswing: Make sure your weight shifts to your back foot during the backswing, without swaying. This will allow you to generate power and stay balanced.
  • Downswing: Shift your weight forward as you move through the downswing, transferring your weight to your front foot. This movement will help ensure that you don’t come over the top (another cause of slicing) and that you maintain an inside-out swing path.

As you use the Speed Trap, focus on the feel of a proper weight shift. Correct weight transfer can significantly improve your ball flight and eliminate slices.

Drills for Using the EyeLine Golf Speed Trap 2.0 to Fix a Slice

To get the most out of your Speed Trap 2.0, try these specific drills:

1. Slow Motion Swing Drill

  • Start by making slow, deliberate swings through the Speed Trap 2.0, focusing on the inside-out path and square clubface. This drill will help you develop muscle memory and avoid hitting the rods.

2. Impact Feedback Drill

  • Hit shots at 50% speed, concentrating on making solid contact with the ball. If your club hits the rods, adjust your swing path to avoid the physical feedback. Gradually increase the speed as you gain confidence.

3. Mirror Drill

  • Use a mirror or a phone camera to record yourself while using the Speed Trap. Analyze your swing path and clubface at impact to ensure you are on the right track.

Tips for Success

  • Start Slow: As a beginner, don’t rush. Start with slow, controlled swings to develop the right swing path.
  • Use Regularly: Consistency is key. Incorporate the Speed Trap 2.0 into your regular practice routine to see steady improvement.
  • Combine with Other Drills: The Speed Trap 2.0 works best when combined with other drills focused on grip, stance, and alignment. A holistic approach will yield the best results.

Final Thoughts

The EyeLine Golf Speed Trap 2.0 is one of the best training aids for fixing a slice by correcting both swing path and clubface position. It provides immediate feedback, helping you develop a consistent inside-out swing that reduces side spin and straightens your ball flight. With regular practice, the Speed Trap 2.0 can help you eliminate your slice and hit straighter, more powerful shots.

Ready to eliminate your slice? Click here to purchase the EyeLine Golf Speed Trap 2.0 on Amazon and start improving your swing today!

A more general review on the EyeLine Golf Speed Trap 2.0 can be found on our website here.

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