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How to Use the Orange Whip Trainer to Fix a Slice

One of the most common issues golfers face is the slice—a shot that curves sharply to the right for right-handed golfers (or left for left-handed golfers). A slice can be caused by an out-to-in swing path and an open clubface at impact. Fortunately, the Orange Whip Trainer is an excellent tool that can help golfers correct these issues and improve their ball flight. In this article, we’ll explain how the Orange Whip Trainer can be used to fix a slice and provide step-by-step guidance on drills that target key swing mechanics. [Click here to purchase the Orange Whip Trainer on Amazon]

What Causes a Slice?

Before diving into how the Orange Whip can help, it’s important to understand the common causes of a slice:

  • Out-to-In Swing Path: When a golfer swings from outside the target line (over the top) and cuts across the ball, it produces a glancing blow that often causes the ball to spin right.
  • Open Clubface at Impact: An open clubface means the face is pointing to the right of the target at impact, leading to a side spin that curves the ball to the right.

Correcting these swing flaws requires working on your swing path, release, and timing—areas where the Orange Whip Trainer can make a significant difference.

How the Orange Whip Trainer Can Help Fix a Slice

The Orange Whip Trainer is designed to improve three essential elements of the golf swing: tempo, rhythm, and swing plane. It’s particularly useful for fixing a slice because of its ability to:

  1. Promote an Inside-Out Swing Path: The flexible shaft and weighted ball of the Orange Whip encourage a smooth, natural swing motion. Practicing with the Orange Whip helps train your body to swing from the inside-out, rather than the outside-in, which is a primary cause of slicing.
  2. Encourage Proper Release: Slicers often fail to release the club properly, leading to an open clubface at impact. The Orange Whip promotes a proper release, allowing you to square the clubface at impact and reduce the tendency to slice.
  3. Build Rhythm and Timing: Many golfers slice the ball because they rush their swing or have poor timing. The Orange Whip helps build a smoother, more rhythmic swing, allowing you to maintain better control over the clubface.

By focusing on these aspects of your swing, the Orange Whip Trainer can help eliminate the swing faults that cause a slice.

Drills to Fix a Slice Using the Orange Whip Trainer

Here are some drills you can incorporate into your practice routine to use the Orange Whip Trainer effectively to fix a slice:

1. Swing Path Drill

This drill is designed to help golfers improve their swing path, promoting an inside-out swing that prevents slicing.


  1. Grip the Orange Whip like you would a golf club.
  2. Take slow, deliberate swings while focusing on swinging the Orange Whip from the inside of your target line to the outside.
  3. Imagine a clock face in front of you: if the target is at 12 o’clock, try to swing from 7 o’clock through 1 o’clock.
  4. Repeat this motion, gradually increasing speed while maintaining the correct swing path.

By practicing this drill regularly, you’ll build muscle memory for the correct swing path, which will reduce the tendency to slice.

2. Release Drill

This drill focuses on squaring the clubface at impact by improving your release through the swing.


  1. Start by gripping the Orange Whip and making half swings, focusing on allowing your wrists to naturally release the club through impact.
  2. As you swing through, feel the weighted ball of the Orange Whip naturally pull your hands and arms into a full release.
  3. Gradually extend your swing to three-quarters and then full swings, continuing to focus on the feeling of releasing the club.

This drill will help you learn how to release the club properly, which is essential for squaring the clubface and avoiding a slice.

3. Tempo and Timing Drill

Many slices occur when a golfer rushes their swing or loses rhythm. The Orange Whip is designed to help you develop better tempo and timing, which leads to more consistent swings.


  1. Stand in your normal golf stance with the Orange Whip.
  2. Take smooth, slow swings, focusing on a 3-to-1 tempo: a three-second backswing followed by a one-second downswing.
  3. As you swing, let the weight of the Orange Whip guide your body’s natural rhythm, ensuring that you’re not rushing the transition from backswing to downswing.

By improving your timing, you’ll reduce tension in your swing, leading to more consistent contact and a straighter ball flight.

Why the Orange Whip Trainer Works for Slicers

The Orange Whip Trainer works so well for slicers because of the way it trains multiple aspects of your swing:

  • Feedback on Swing Plane: The flexible shaft of the Orange Whip forces you to stay on the correct swing plane. If you swing over the top or too far inside, you’ll feel it immediately, giving you instant feedback.
  • Builds Muscle Memory: By practicing regularly with the Orange Whip, you’ll develop the muscle memory needed to execute a proper swing without thinking about it. This is crucial for eliminating swing flaws that lead to a slice.
  • Strengthens Core and Balance: The Orange Whip helps you maintain better balance and posture throughout your swing, which contributes to a more consistent, in-control swing.

Conclusion: Start Fixing Your Slice with the Orange Whip Trainer

The Orange Whip Trainer is a versatile tool that can help golfers at any level improve their swing and fix common faults like a slice. By promoting a smoother, more rhythmic swing, encouraging an inside-out swing path, and helping you release the club properly, the Orange Whip provides the training you need to hit straighter, more consistent shots.

Whether you’re a beginner struggling with slicing off the tee or an experienced player looking to fine-tune your swing, incorporating the Orange Whip into your practice routine can lead to noticeable improvements in your ball flight. Try these drills, and with consistent use, you’ll start to see fewer slices and more accurate, controlled shots on the course.

Here’s a YouTube Video demonstrating how to use the Orange Whip Trainer to correct an over the top swing path:

Click here to purchase the Orange Whip Trainer on Amazon.

Find more general information about the Orange Whip Trainer.

Find more general information about how to fix a slice.

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