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How to Use the SuperSpeed Swing Training System to Fix a Hook in Your Golf Swing

A hook is one of the most frustrating problems in golf. It happens when your ball curves sharply left (for right-handed golfers) or right (for left-handed golfers), causing loss of distance and accuracy. The SuperSpeed Swing Training System, a popular tool for increasing swing speed, can also be used to help fix a hook by improving your swing mechanics, timing, and sequence. Purchase the SuperSpeed Swing Training System on Amazon.

In this article, we’ll explain how a hook occurs, why the SuperSpeed system is effective in correcting it, and how to use the system to get rid of your hook and hit straighter, more powerful shots.

What Causes a Hook in Golf?

Before diving into how the SuperSpeed system can help, it’s important to understand what causes a hook:

  1. Closed Clubface at Impact: A common cause of a hook is a clubface that is too closed at impact, which leads to excessive sidespin.
  2. Overactive Hands or Wrists: Over-rotation of the hands or wrists can close the clubface too early, producing a hook.
  3. In-to-Out Swing Path: A path that moves from inside to outside through impact often causes the ball to hook when combined with a closed clubface.
  4. Poor Weight Shift: An improper shift of weight to the lead foot during the downswing can affect your timing, contributing to a hook.

How the SuperSpeed Swing Training System Can Help Fix a Hook

The SuperSpeed Swing Training System is a set of weighted golf clubs designed to help golfers increase swing speed through overspeed training. While its main purpose is speed improvement, the system also offers the following benefits that help with swing path and timing—both critical in fixing a hook.

  • Improved Swing Sequence: A hook is often the result of a poor sequence, where the upper body overtakes the lower body, leading to a closed clubface. SuperSpeed training helps promote proper sequencing by encouraging a more balanced and natural swing tempo.
  • Enhanced Timing and Rhythm: Using the SuperSpeed system improves your rhythm and timing, making it easier to square the clubface at impact and reduce the risk of closing it too much.
  • More Neutral Swing Path: The system helps you develop a more consistent, neutral swing path by promoting proper body rotation and weight transfer. This can eliminate an excessive inside-to-out swing path, which contributes to hooks.

Steps to Use the SuperSpeed System to Fix a Hook

Step 1: Set Up with the SuperSpeed Clubs

The SuperSpeed Swing Training System consists of three weighted clubs: a light club, a medium club, and a heavy club. You’ll use each one in a specific order to build swing speed and muscle memory. Start with the lightest club, as it will help you focus on swing mechanics without the burden of extra weight.

Step 2: Focus on Proper Swing Sequence

One of the key aspects of fixing a hook is improving your swing sequence. The SuperSpeed training protocol emphasizes starting the downswing with your lower body while allowing your upper body and arms to follow naturally. Practice making smooth swings with the SuperSpeed clubs, focusing on initiating the downswing from the ground up. This will help you avoid an overactive upper body, which can lead to a hook.

Step 3: Train with All Three Clubs

Using each of the three SuperSpeed clubs, complete the protocol of swings designed to build speed and improve your mechanics. This includes alternating between dominant and non-dominant hand swings to balance out your body’s movement patterns. While increasing your speed, pay attention to the clubface at impact, ensuring that you’re not closing it too early.

Step 4: Practice with the “Step Change of Direction” Drill

SuperSpeed includes drills that focus on improving sequencing and weight transfer. The Step Change of Direction drill is particularly helpful in fixing a hook. Here’s how to perform it:

  1. Set up normally, then take a step forward with your lead foot as you start your backswing.
  2. As your lead foot plants, begin your downswing by rotating your lower body first, allowing your upper body and club to follow.
  3. This drill trains your body to initiate the downswing from the ground up, which helps you avoid over-rotating your hands or upper body, reducing the chance of closing the clubface and hooking the ball.

Step 5: Focus on Impact Position

As you progress through the SuperSpeed training program, keep a close eye on your impact position. Make sure that your hands are not flipping through impact, which can close the clubface. Instead, aim for a more passive hand action, allowing the body rotation to control the swing and help square the clubface at impact.

Additional Tips to Fix a Hook with the SuperSpeed System

  1. Use a Launch Monitor: A launch monitor can give you real-time feedback on your clubface angle, swing path, and ball flight. This is invaluable for diagnosing the exact cause of your hook and confirming that your adjustments are working.
  2. Combine with Video Analysis: Record your swings to analyze your clubface position and body movements. Look for signs of an overactive upper body or closed clubface, and use the SuperSpeed system to retrain your motion.
  3. Use Slow-Motion Practice Swings: Incorporating slow-motion swings into your SuperSpeed training can help you focus on correct body rotation and swing path. Slowing things down allows you to feel the correct sequence and ensure you’re not closing the clubface.

Why the SuperSpeed System Works for Fixing a Hook

The SuperSpeed Swing Training System is effective in fixing a hook because it doesn’t just focus on swing speed. It also helps correct key mechanical flaws by improving your body’s sequencing, promoting a more neutral swing path, and reducing overactive hands or wrists through impact. All of these elements are critical in fixing a hook.

By developing a more balanced swing and improving your ability to square the clubface at impact, the SuperSpeed system not only helps increase distance but also improves accuracy and control, leading to straighter ball flight.


Fixing a hook can be challenging, but the SuperSpeed Swing Training System offers a unique and effective approach by improving both speed and swing mechanics. By focusing on better swing sequencing, timing, and path control, the SuperSpeed system helps golfers eliminate the root causes of a hook.

Start incorporating SuperSpeed training into your practice sessions, and with consistent effort, you’ll soon be hitting straighter, more powerful shots without the frustration of a hook.

Purchase the SuperSpeed Swing Training System on Amazon.

Read more about how the SuperSpeed Swing Trainer can help your golf game.
Read more about how to fix your hook.

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